Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Reinventing the Umbrella; THE NEW YORKER Got Me On This

So, Susan Orlean--she of fame--wrote this long piece in the February 11, 2008 issue of The New Yorker:

Bus Stop (The Hollies) Got Me Going

So the new oldies station in Washington (105.9) was playing "Bus Stop" by The Hollies this morning:

Bus stop, wet day, she's there I say
Please share my umbrella
Bus stop, bus go, she stays love grows
Under my umbrella
All that summer we enjoyed it
Wind and rain and shine
That umbrella we employed it
By August she was mine

And so that darn umbrella coming so soon after a New Yorker article about umbrellas and some other new fangled head-worn umbrella got me going cuckoo. Thus, the only thing to do is to start writing about umbrellas as they come to mind.

The Brolly Blog Begins

Too many references to umbrellas recently to ignore this and, to my surprise, I can find nothing about umbrellas in art, literature, song, music, movies, and real life from my brief Google search. Thus, umbrellas, some amusing, some ever lasting, some disappearing.r